
About Me

Just on a mission to fix the 20 something epidemic...

The 20 something epidemic has taken over beautiful, strong, intelligent, sophisticated, and successful women who unfortunately are not able to see it themselves. Life can be demanding and difficult while you're busy getting that degree, working long days at the office, and growing out of a girl and into a lady life. All the while we begin to forget who we really are because we're focusing on who we want to be, "should" be, or could "never" be. Two of my passions are fashion and food so I hope my passions turn into yours and make your busy life a little more creative, fun, and balanced.

Avis is a guide for women to build their knowledge, image, and life skills to become the types of women we all "wish" we could be. The word "avis" means bird in Latin. It also means messenger and opinion in French and old English, and this is the ultimate source for your daily news.

All images and ideas are original and not to be used without permission. Nothing is chic about being a copycat.

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