
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fig yogurt pops

The weather is getting warmer, and all I want is ice cream. I used to be a mint chip kinda girl, but as I've gotten older my palate has expanded and I love crazy combinations. I can't really eat ice cream every time I crave it, but these pops are definitely an option for my daily diet.

Figs are food of the gods, and since all Avis readers only deserve the best these Greek yogurt fig pops are perfect for all of you and so easy to make. Alternative options that could be great are pomegranate seeds or summer berries. This is not super sweet but has virtually very little sugar. Figs have potassium and fiber, and Greek yogurt is packed with protein and probiotics.

I picked up some popsicle molds for $3 at Target. Super cheap and definitely worth the minor investment to try out different concoctions all summer.

Fig yogurt pops
6 popsicle molds
1.5 cups milk (I used almond)
A swirl of honey (more if you'd like)  Note: for a sweet treat do 1.5 cups of granulated sugar instead
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
1.5 cups of Greek yogurt (Fage 0% is my favorite)
3 figs

1. Bring the milk and honey to a low boil in a saucepan. (If you're using sugar make sugar it's fully melted and mixed in). Add the vanilla and yogurt.
2. Whisk until it's smooth and remove from the heat. Allow to cool in the refridgerator for about a hour.
3. Pour the mixture into the molds, filling the molds halfway. Freeze the molds for a hour.
4. Remove the molds and slice the figs into thicker slices, placing two slices per mold.
5. Add more of the yogurt on top of the figs and stick the sticks in.
6. Back into the freezer until they're solid and enjoy!

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