
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Green smoothie

Not getting your smoothie with kale or spinach added into it is almost unheard of these days (rolls eyes). I love smoothies and probably could have one as a meal replacement for every meal, but with all that fruit and possible juice or sweetener they have have a lot of sugar. This creation is very easy and turns into a pretty shade of green. The blend of protein, electrolytes, potassium, and iron is the best way to start your day.

Serves one

1 frozen banana
1 cup of coconut water
1 cucumber peeled
1 large generous handful of spinach/kale (or both!)
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons of chia seeds
Agave nectar optional (if it's too green and you need it sweetened)

Throw in all ingredients into a blender. Use the highest speed setting possibly even the liquify setting to get the greens to a liquid level. No one likes chunky bits of leaves in their smoothie.

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