
Friday, August 2, 2013

2 Ingredients to Homemade Ice Cream

If you haven't tried this before go freeze two bananas for a few hours and pull out your food processor now. Because yes, ice cream can be made with bananas and a big tablespoon of peanut butter to add some flavor. I'm a big fan of sweet and savory desserts. So I added chocolate covered pretzels on top. The perfect sweet and salty mix in a bite.

Serves 1

2 frozen bananas
1 tablespoon of peanut butter
Toppings: nuts, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate chips etc.

1. Break the bananas up a little into small pieces and put into a food processor.
2. Keep processing it'll end up looking chalky, stop and add the peanut butter. You'll probably need to scrape down the sides and mix it up a bit.
3. Once it has a creamy and smooth consistency your ice cream is done.
4. Add toppings, put in a crystal bowl for dramatic effect.

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