
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thanks Leandra

Jacket- Members Only, shorts- vintage Levi's, shirt- Hugo Boss, shoes- Converse, sunglasses- Ray-Ban

A rather short post, I really need a full time entourage to capture my every look (kidding... well kinda if you know a photographer let me know). However, this one comes from inspiration from my girl Leandra.. you may know her as the Man Repeller. And if you have no idea who she is or don't understand the know your onion idea of layering we probably don't have similar fashion sense meaning I probably don't like yours that much. Too harsh? I'm feeling rather spicy today. Plus it just means I like you not your clothes.

Back to the point the Man Repeller post on "Five Days of Denim Cut-Offs" reminded me that sometimes you need to find simplicity in your favorite fall backs: Levi's vintage cut-offs, men's oversized oxford, leather jacket, high-tops, and wayfarers.

Those shorts have a story of their own. In this picture they look like balloons could fit in them as I'm rocking the slouchy at the hips look. Regardless, they've traveled the world, been worn at three different heights on my waist, and survived music festivals and 4th of July. They're family. Yes they're holed and probably get a new rip every time I wear them, but as Kanye (and others) have put it "damn they don't make 'em like this anymore." This gem of a pair was a $7 bargain at the Melrose Trading Post you know before Urban Outfitters put a $40 ($50?) price tag on them and Miley Cyrus started exposing herself in them. So maybe that's why when my mom put them in the trash I went digging then hid them from her (sorry mom); I'm too proud of their legacy to let them go. Kinda like my oversized men's department store cloak- XL shrunk many a time in the dryer. Why is it that the cheapest and weirdest things I own I'm so attached to? Deep down inside we're all a little prouder of our prizes after a shopping hunt that have a good story attached to them.

Note: If you still don't know who my fashion icon and daily scope of humor and inspiration is check out Leandra's blog (I refer to her on a first name basis as if we're from the same womb, sadly I'm just a freak fan).

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