
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Raw apple crumble stack

I've been trying to do a raw cleanse for a few days (I already hate myself for saying that I know my hometown is coming out in me), and while I love how light and energetic I feel I'm getting a little bored especially with breakfast. There's only so much chia pudding I can take, so I started looking into raw recipes when I came across tons of really delicious looking desserts. Since it's the time of year for apples I decided to make an apple crumble incorporating a few different recipes that I found together to make this one. You can eat this whenever, but I really like the idea of eating dessert for breakfast.

P.S. If any of you are interested in trying out raw meals or thinking about trying a cleanse, let me know I have plenty of good advice.

Apple crumble stack
Serves one
1 fuji apple
1 tablespoon of water
1/3 tablespoon of flaxseed
1/3 tablespoon of agave
Cinnamon, pumpkin spice
1 date pitted
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
4 walnuts

1. Thinly slice your apple and set aside.
2. Make the syrup by adding the water, flaxseed, agave, and spices together. Add the apples into the syrup and mix fully. I added an extra drizzle of agave on top and more cinnamon, and let the mixture with the apples sit in a bowl to soak up the syrup.
3. While it's soaking make the crumble for the top of the crumble by putting the date, coconut, and walnuts into a food processor. Grind until the mix is grainy.
4. I'm a sucker for aesthetics so I used the same technique that I used for my vegetable stack to assemble the apples.
5. Pack down the apples while they're still in the cup mold and add the crumble on top.
6. Slowly remove the cup mold, and enjoy a sweet start to your morning.

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