
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Roasted tomato, kale, and poached egg

When Jerry Stone tells you to roast tomatoes for six hours... you listen. He's the ultimate vegetarian recipe god, and I love all his work. So I did just that. I eat a whole lot of eggs these days, almost for every meal. Considering I was a vegan for a few years, it's weird how obsessed I've become with them. There's just so many ways to make them that you can never get bored, and if you buy omega-3 packed ones they're especially good for you. I also try to buy cage free ones. Even though the living conditions aren't terrific (a lot of vegan book research as taught me that), I still like to think of my chickens with a little more leg space. I recently mastered poaching them, both over the stove and in the microwave. It takes a little practice, but I've included easy how-tos for you to try.

Roasted tomato, kale, and poached egg
Serves one
1 cup of kale chopped
2 small tomatoes (I made a big batch of them though using more tomatoes)
1 egg
Cheese optional (I went for feta but Parmesan would be awesome too)
Garlic powder, salt, pepper, dried basil, red pepper flakes

1. Follow Jerry's method to roast your tomatoes, I opted out of the garlic and rosemary and instead went for some basil. Yes it takes a long time, so this is a weekend project. I could eat these roasted tomatoes everyday of my life.
2. Once the tomatoes are done, steam the kale with a little garlic powder, salt, and pepper so it's still vibrant green but cooked. It shouldn't take too long.
3. It's probably best to assemble the kale and tomatoes before you work on the egg to remove it from the water quickly and layer it on the vegetables.
4. Line the tomatoes flat on the plate and add a pillow of kale for the egg to sit on.
5. Poach your egg (over the stove or in the microwave), act quickly and remove the egg from the water and place on the kale.
6. Garnish with cheese, dried herbs, red pepper flakes etc.

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