
Friday, February 28, 2014

Roasted brussel sprouts with orange vinaigrette

I'm not a normal foodie. To start, I care way too much about my health and trying to feed my body the best quality ingredients that are nutrient packed and artificially lacking. At the same time I love food. I appreciate food: how it's prepared, the way it looks, the time it takes, and the taste of something that leaves you speechless and wanting to lick the plate clean. I spend too much time reading restaurant reviews, browsing Yelp photos, and memorizing menus, almost as much time as I spend looking at street style photos and putting together outfits in my head. Clearly I have too much time on my hands. I've yet to try Rose's Luxury (who wants to come with me?), but I came across one of their brussel sprout dishes that I decided to remake. Since their menu is constantly changing it's not currently on there, but if you're looking for a refreshing way to try brussel sprouts this is a great alternative.

Serves two
20-30 brussel sprouts halved
Handful of chopped fresh mint
1/4 red onion sliced (probably much more thinly than I pulled off)
Orange pieces (optional)
1/2 juice of an orange
Apple cider vinegar
Olive oil
Himalayan pink salt
Dijon mustard

1. Roasted your brussel sprouts in the oven (you know the drill coconut oil or olive oil coated 350 nice and crispy). For the more indulgent version you'll want to fry them on a pan, but we're all about the health here.
2. Meanwhile chop your onions and mint (and orange if you're doing that), and mix all other ingredients to make the vinaigrette. I prefer less olive oil and more apple cider vinegar, but it's up to your taste.
3. Once the brussel sprouts are done, remove and allow them to cool for 10 minutes.
4. Mix all the other ingredients and coat evenly with the vinaigrette. Serve immediately or allow the juice to soak up a bit, which is my favorite way to eat it.

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