
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Guilt-free kale Caesar bowl

Happy Earth Day! It's hypothetically warming up, which means that roasted vegetables and heavier dishes are the last thing I want. I'm starting my plan of plenty of chilled soups, ceviches, and salads- all on the lighter side and all super healthy. Here's something to really get in tune with the fresh ingredients that come from the Earth enjoyed with plenty of flavor.

Every restaurant menu these days has some sort of a kale salad, sorta like the brussel sprouts and cauliflower trend. The problem with kale is its thicker leaves that mean it needs to have something to really soften the leaves to make them actually taste like something more than grass. The trick here is to allow the kale to marinate in the dressing for a bit, which is the perfect excuse to put the other parts together while you're letting the kale loosen up a bit.

Kale (no stems, and cut into thin strips)
Slivered almonds
Pecorino Romano
Dijon mustard
Greek yogurt
Cracked black pepper
Lemon juice
Olive oil

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, and pepper together. Everything should be 1/5 of the amount of Greek yogurt used, which of course means the Greek yogurt should be 5x the amount of everything else used. I probably could have explained that a bit simpler.
2. I added half the kale into a bowl drizzled some olive oil, lemon, and pepper onto that. Then added the remainder of the kale repeating the lemon, oil, and pepper. Then add the dressing and mix thoroughly so every bit of kale has dressing on it.
3. Now it's type to slice your fennel (you could do it before with the kale but just trying to give the kale as much time as possible with the dressing).
4. Add the almonds to a non-stick pan on high heat to toast them. Trust me it makes them THAT much better not only cause they get that roasted taste, but also because the warm nuts are a nice complement to the cheese with the vegetables. Not too long on the pan, you might start to notice they start popping you just want them to be kinda browned.
5. While you're toasting the almonds, grate your cheese.
6. Place the fennel, cheese, and almonds on top of your kale. And "conquer" your salad.

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