
Monday, May 19, 2014

Lemon pesto and smoked salmon topped endive

"Finger foods" are often carb and sugar heavy and really not that filling either causing you to overeat them and end up feeling guilty for inhaling half a baguette and a pound of baked brie. For some reason I associate pesto with summer and making a big batch ahead of time will give you a week of ways to use the spread: topped on fish, cauliflower/zucchini crust pizza, frittatas. This pesto recipe uses lemon, which is the perfect acidity to go with the smoked salmon. Endives are really underrated, their sturdy scoop shape makes them perfect for dips and spread. I want to see how you all use endives for your next hor d'oeuvre menu.

Juice from one lemon
1 cup of basil leaves
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 bulb of garlic
Salt and pepper
Smoked salmon

1. Mix everything except the salmon and endive in a food processor.
2. Break apart your endive and spread on a platter.
3. Add the pesto and ripped pieces of the smoked salmon on top of the pesto.