
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Poached eggs with mushroom eggplant hash

I've really become the poaching expert, and I can't wait to host a benedict party to show off my skills. I've been a miso paste advocate for some time. I used to just make miso soup with it, but slowly I've been using it on my salmon and now to roast vegetables. Miso is so flavorful, and it's so good for you (fermented). Trader Joes now carries it so super easy to access.

Serves one
1 egg
1 small eggplant cubed (I used a local Pandora striped rose one)
5 small mushrooms sliced
Grated hard cheese
2 tbsp. miso paste
1 tsp. Soy sauce
Sesame oil (a drop)
1 tsp. Coconut oil 
Dried parsley
Dried garlic
Red chili flakes
White vinegar

1. Turn on your oven to 350 F. Mix the miso paste, coconut oil, soy sauce, and sesame oil and apply to your eggplant and mushrooms. It'll be a thicker paste so be sure to spread evenly.
2. Add dried garlic and parsley to the vegetables.
3. Spread the vegetables on a baking sheet with enough room so they're not touching and can evenly roast. Allow to roast in the oven for about 15 minutes.
4. While the vegetables are roasting grate your cheese.
5. Check on your vegetables and flip or move if necessary. You want the eggplant to be on the softer side.
6. Once the vegetables are closer to being done prepare your poached egg.
7. While you're waiting for the egg to finish in the water act quickly and remove the vegetables and transfer to a dish for serving. Remove your egg and place on top of the vegetables.
8. Finish with the cheese and chili flakes.

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