
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Union Market.. and less familiar grounds

 Shorts- JCrew, t-shirt- Madewell, chambray- Madewell (similar here), booties- ecote (similar here)

Disclaimer: You  might read this and think pretentious, but some people feel relaxed and comfortable in the outdoors or on a beach. I on the other hand feel most comfortable when I'm in the middle of absolute chaos about to get run over by a cab. Call me crazy, but to each her own.

I'm convinced I'm allergic to the suburbs. I always say that I was misled before I moved to DC that I was moving to a "city," when in reality more people have cars than use public transportation. There are the perks like no skyscrapers so you can see the Washington Monument from different points all over the city, but I digress. Back to the suburbs, I get this weird feeling like I'm suddenly lost.

So on a Saturday when I was in need of adventure, I somehow ended up off to the nearby big mall in the suburbs with the only other person I know that gets emotional at the sight of vintage Hermès. It was one of those we need to be around a Bloomingdales moments, but after getting lost with no help from Google Maps we arrived exhausted and stressed. Long story short, we ended up not buying anything and were more eager to get back into a more familiar urban environment than browse through the racks of clothes. Finally catching sight of the city, we headed into Union Market. We browsed the different vendors including Goshen the vegan, raw stand. We were drawn in by their juices, but Nathaniel later explained they also specialize in healthy food as well. Definitely get the kale juice. The only way to end the day is with a Dolcezza copetta with espresso hairbender gelato, biscoff crumbles, ground espresso beans, and fresh whipped cream.

I posed in the suburbs (plan, muted background) and back in the city (Zebra mural!!!), which I think  represents how I feel. At least for now, the exciting striped and hot pink environment is the only one I belong in.

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